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Crystal Mountain is committed to keeping you and your family safe. 


All adults and children over the age of 12yrs are required to wear a mask while visiting the Gallery and Museum.  


We ask that you maintain a one-metre distance between yourself and other visitors whenever possible.  We have plenty of space at Crystal Mountain with both indoor and outdoor areas to explore. 

Empty seats will distance bubbles on rides.  You will only ever be sitting next to someone in your bubble.

Please use the hand sanitiser at the entry to each ride queue before getting on the ride and exiting the ride.

We will be ensuring regular cleaning of our high contact points.

We encourage you to follow the advice of Ministry of Health to protect yourself and others:
  • Wash or sanitise your hands frequently
  • Keep track of where you have been.
  • Stay home if you are sick
We look forward to welcoming you back to Crystal Mountain